Lost Theory Festival 2016


Ríomalo De Abajo
August 2016.

Once the dust had settled from Boom (quite literally within our chest cavities), we found ourselves nestled along the bank of a beautiful river in Ríomalo de Abajo, Spain. With green tipped mountains hugging our doofed out bones we commenced another week of mischievous mayhem. Being a more intimate party the boundaries were abolished and the eclectic Lost Theory family went through heaven and hell together. Literally. We were tested, we were pushed but ultimately we survived with a great purge under the belt and the dense energy cleared, the river washed away all worries unseen. A beautiful way to finish off my first European adventure.
Thank you Lost Theory and all the crew who did their very best with what they had, it was no easy task but we had a sweet as time.

Thank you to all the incredible people I met and connected with, all the shining faces within these shots and those I captured with my minds eye, you are cherished.

Til next time, Cherrie Fox

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